刘中,1969年生于中国北京,法国教育部造型艺术硕士学位。现任中国美术家协会理事,中国画学会副秘书长、常务理事,中央国家机关青联资深委员,中国书画国际大学特聘教授,北京市青联原常委,中国邮政四川成都“熊猫邮局”名誉局长,中国邮政四川绵阳“金丝猴邮局”名誉局长,中国邮政河北山海关“长城邮局”名誉局长,四川雅安熊猫宣传大使,北京市红十字会熊猫血宣传大使,母亲水窖宣传大使,中国书画国际大学吉祥物“熊猫中中”创作者,中国邮政“我爱大熊猫”国际少儿明信片绘画大赛发起人,中国文学艺术基金会熊猫艺术发展基金发起人,被誉为“中国画熊猫第一人”。作品曾被选送英国、法国、美国、俄罗斯、埃及、加拿大、西班牙、意大利、挪威、新加坡、日本、摩纳哥、瑞士、芬兰、拉脱维亚、蒙古国等多个国家展出,多次在国内外大赛中获奖,并被中外多家博物馆收藏。Liu Zhong, born in Beijing in 1969, has the master’s degree in plastic arts from Ministry of National Education of France. He is now member of the Council of China Artists Association, Deputy Secretary General and Standing Director of Chinese Painting Institute, Professor of China Calligraphy and Painting International University, senior committee member of All-China Youth Federation, former member of the Standing Committee of Beijing Youth Federation, Honorary Director General of Chengdu “Panda Post Office” of Sichuan Branch of China Post, Honorary Director General of Shanhaiguan “Great Wall Post Office” of Hebei Branch of China Post, ambassador for panda culture of Ya’an, designer of the mascot "Panda Zhongzhong" of China Calligraphy and Painting International University, ambassador for Rh-negative trait of Beijing Red Cross Blood Center and ambassador for Water Cellar for Mothers.He is the initiator of the China Post "I Love the Giant Panda" International Children's Postcard Painting Competition and the Panda Art Development Fund of the China Literature and Art Foundation. He is honored as “the best panda painter in China”. His works have been exhibited in many countries including the UK, France, the US, Russia, Egypt, Canada, Spain, Italy, Norway, Singapore, Japan, Monaco, Switzerland, Finland, Latvia, Mongolia and so on, have won a number of prizes in competitions both at home and abroad and have been collected by many domestic and overseas museums.